Terms of use of eGovernment services and privacy policy of users of eGovernment Portal

What is it EGovernment Portal ?

The eGovernment portal is a national web portal that represents a unique access point to eGovernment in the Republic of Serbia on which e-government services are implemented. The eGovernment portal also gives you access to other web portals of public administration bodies.

The eGovernment portal is operated by the Office for Information Technology and Electronic Governance.

Registration of users of e-government services

The user of e-government services can become any business person with the age of 16.

As an unregistered user, you can get acquainted with the content of eGovernment services published on the eGovernment Portal.

By registering on the eGovernment Portal, you agree to become a user of eGovernment services, which enables you to:

  1. learn what rights and how you can exercise when a particular life event occurs;
  2. exercise rights and fulfill obligations through the use of e-government services;
  3. submit electronic submissions;
  4. monitor the status of your item;
  5. receive notifications and acts of the competent authorities as personal delivery to the Single Electronic Box;
  6. pay fees and fees for e-government services;
  7. check personal data from official records and notify the authority if your information is incorrect;
  8. participate in public hearings and other discussions;
  9. use other features of the eGovernment Portal.

When registering about you, the following information is entered and stored in the Register on users of e-government services: the unique citizen's personal number, personal name (first and last name), username, or e-mail address, while address, mobile phone number and possibly another e-mail address, are recorded and saved as optional. The purpose of processing the aforementioned data is to provide e-government services to registered users.

When providing eGovernment services on the eGovernment Portal, records are kept on access to the system and use of the service, which contains the following information: username, IP address from which it is accessed, date and time of access.

Personal data from the above records are kept for 10 years, with the application of information security measures.

You can also register using a qualified electronic certificate. The information contained in the certificate is not recorded in the Records on users of eGovernment services in an automated manner, but the user must enter the data necessary for registration manually.

You can update the information from the account on the eGovernment Portal after verification by the authorities.

You can deactivate your account by submitting a request, after which, if there are no services in the process of realization, the data is deleted from the Records on users of e-government services after the expired deadline. The order is deleted after the expiration of 10 years from the last activity on the eGovernment Portal.

Using eGovernment Portal Content

E-government services are published by the authorities in accordance with their respective competences.

Use the eGovernment service as intended by the authority, from the level of information to the level of complete electronic service (filing, payment and electronic submission, etc.).

The contents of eGovernment services may be modified by the authorities, in accordance with the regulations, without notice to users.

It is forbidden to circumvent information security measures, such as interfering with communications, tampering with content, and impersonation.

The contents of the eGovernment Portal can be viewed, copied or printed in accordance with the regulations and / or purpose for publication.

Other web sites are allowed to link to the eGovernment Portal (link, banner, logo).

The Office has the right to deactivate your account if you do not use the content of the eGovernment Portal in accordance with the Terms of Use for eGovernment Services and the privacy policies of users of the service on the eGovernment Portal, that is, if, at registration, you provide information and facts on the basis of which the authorized person cannot identify you, or register you as a user of electronic administration services.

After 90 days of deactivation, you can apply to activate your account.

Editing eGovernment Portal Content

This version of the eGovernment Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for the users of the eGovernment Portal v2.0 Portal was published on February 26, 2020.